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Post Install

After installing Liberatube it is advised to do the post install intructions.


In the config.php you will find these 4 lines:

$InvCServer = "";
$InvVIServer = "";
$InvTServer = "";
$InvSServer = "";

These are responsible for telling Liberatube which Invidious instances to use.

$InvCServer - The Invidious instance used for fetching the comments for the comments section.

$InvVIServer - The Invidious instance used for fetching Video Information, such as the title, description and the direct video URL's.

$InvTServer - The Invidious instance used for fetching videos for the Trending section on the home page.

$InvSServer - The Invidious instance used for searching for content.

Example accepted value: $InvSServer = "";

Admin and Defaults

$defaultRegion = "";
$defaultTheme = "";
$defaultLang = "";
$defaultLoadCommentsSetting = "";
$adminuser = "";
$testinstance = ;
$allowProxy = "";
$useReturnYTDislike = ;

$defaultRegion - If the user is logged out or doesn't have a region set this will be the default, (any 2 letter country code)

$defaultTheme - If the user is logged out or doesn't have a theme set this will be the default, ("blue" / "ultra-dark")

$defaultLang - If the user is logged out or doesn't have a language set this will be the default, (any 2 letter language code)

$defaultLoadCommentsSetting - If the user is logged out or doesn't have a comments loading preference set this will be the default, ("nothing" / "noreplies" / "showall")

$adminuser - The user on liberatube you want to have access to the admin dashboard, (any user on your database)

$testinstance - Whether this is a test instance. A disclaimer will be shown, (true / false)

$allowProxy - Choose if the users can proxy video data through the server, ("true" / "false" / "downloads")

$useReturnYTDislike - Choose whether the server contacts the return youtube dislike api for an estimate of the dislikes, (true / false)