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You can build an image yourself using the compose file provided, ensure that you have docker and docker compose installed. Instructions can be found in Prerequisites.

You also need to edit the config.php file to uncomment and recomment some lines for the sql credentials.

git clone
cd liberatube/
nano config.php
sudo docker-compose up -d --build

Verify that Liberatube has been installed by going to You should also follow the Post Install configuration for extra options and settings.

Installing on a Hosting Provider

  1. Download the latest Version of Liberatube from the repository on GitHub.
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. Upload the contents of the folder to your websites root directory.
  4. Edit the config.php file to adjust the database credentials.
  5. Go to the website to see if it is installed properly.

That should be it but some Hosting Providers do no give you proper permissions to create a database, instead you need to use their web interface. Please follow the steps below to import the database manually.

  1. Log in to your Hosting Provider's dashboard and find where you can create a MySQL database and make one called users.
  2. Edit the database.sql file and remove the first 5 lines

    -- Create the users database if it doesn't exist
    -- Switch to the users database
    USE users;
  3. Log in to the phpMyAdmin for your database and import the database.sql file you edited.

  4. Rename your database.sql file to database.sql.executed.

Manual Install

Installing Manually requires all the Prerequisites to be installed before doing any of the following.

Clone the Git Repository

git clone
cd liberatube/

Edit the config.php file to have the correct database credentials.

nano config.php

Edit these 4 lines

$servername = "localhost"; // The IP / domain used to connect to your database
$username = "root";        // The database username
$password = "";            // The database password
$dbname = "users";         // The database name, by default, if you imported database.sql it is "users"


If you don't want to use a SQL database you can do so by changing a setting in the config.php file.

Move the contents of ~/liberatube/ to /var/www/html (this may require root privileges)

sudo cp * /var/www/html
sudo cp .htaccess /var/www/html

Now Liberatube will be accessible at, but it requires an SQL database to operate.

MySQL setup

Liberatube automatically imports the database.sql file using the credentials provided. Although, MySQL now requires you to create a new user as it wont let you use the root user.

Follow these instructions to create a new MySQL user:

Enter the MySQL server as root

mysql -u root -p

And run the following commands in the shell to make a new user but make sure to put your own password

CREATE USER 'liberatube'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'changethis';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON users.* TO 'liberatube'@'localhost';

And lastly you should update the credentials in your config.php.


After doing all of that, Liberatube is considered to be installed and working although you should follow the Post Install configuration for extra options and settings.